Tuesday 10 June 2014

You apparently anticipate you

You apparently anticipate you've maxed out on procedurally generated RPGs set in chilly cavern environments, but boy are you asleep wrong. Also: you're dead, because you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxtkMSDZDog just stepped on a allurement plate, you idiot. Chasm is the procedurally generated alcove crawler by way of a 16-bit, Metroidvania-style platformer, with added randomised sprite-slicing (those affronted amphibian eyeballs will never apperceive what hit them), oh and accidental boodle drops, an accession permadeath mode, and an in actuality admirable beheld style.

Here's the premise, taken from Chasm's Beef Greenlight page. "Players crop up the role of a soldier accidental through a apprenticed mining boondocks on their adventitious home from a affiliated war. The town's miners acquire afresh abolished afterwards breaching a long-forgotten temple far below the town, and reawakened an age-old comatose evil. Now trapped in the boondocks by abnormal forces, you're larboard with no advantage but to analyze the mines below, activity enemies and bosses, and admission your abilities in hopes of assuredly artifice and abiding home." So it's like Quantum Leap, but with administration - got it.

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